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"Scientific research involves going beyond the well-trodden and well-tested ideas and theories that form the core of scientific knowledge. During the time scientists are working things out, some results will be right, and others will be wrong. Over time, the right results will emerge."

Lisa Randall

Research Focus:

  • Conservation, ecology, taxonomy and evolution of the Genus Cuora

  • Studying the phylogeny and taxonomy of Genus Cuora​.

  • Active field research to gain a better understanding of the species native ecology to improve captive husbandry and set the path for future release projects.

  • Linking  protective measures for species conservation in the field, in-situ and ex-situ.

  • Studying the genetic composition and best population sizes to guarantee the long-term survival of this Genus in captivity and in nature and manage/advice the Studbooks accordingly.

  • Actively collaborating with the Studbooks for the different Cuora species to improve captivey husbandry and to conserve the species through captive breeding with the best possible genetic variability.

  • Raise awarness of this imperiled Genus via Publications, Presentations and local awareness raising.

  • Surveying the Chinese Turtle Market dynamics and the growing Chinese Turtle Farming Industry.



Experiments with various Incubation Factors for Eggs of Chelonia mydas in China.

Xia, Z.-R., Blanck, T., Li, P.-P., Cheng, I.-J., Gu, H.-X. & Zhao, E.-M.


Radiata, 21(1): 46–59.

Conservation of Asian Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles: Setting Priorities for the Next Ten Years. Recommendations and Conclusions from the Workshop in Singapore, February 21-24, 2011.

Horne, B.D., Poole, C.M., Walde A. (eds).


Turtles in Trouble: The World’s 25+ Most Endangered Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles—2011.

Turtle Conservation Coalition [Rhodin, A.G.J., Walde, A.D., Horne, B.D., van Dijk, P.P., Blanck, T., and Hudson, R. (eds)].


Lunenburg, MA: IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group, Turtle Conservation Fund, Turtle Survival Alliance, Turtle Conservancy, Chelonian Research Foundation, Conservation International, Wildlife Conservation Society, and San Diego Zoo Global: 54 pp.

Workshops recommend intensified focus on imperiled Asian box turtles, genus Cuora.

Hagen, C. & Blanck, T.


TSA Magazine, 2011: 15–17.

Three new subspecies of Trachemys venusta (Testudines: Emydidae) from Honduras, northern Yucatan (Mexico), and pacific coastal Panama.

McCord, W. P., Joseph-Ouni, M., Hagen, C. & Blanck, T.


Reptilia (GB) 71: 39–49.

Cuora yunnanensis.

Van Dijk, P.P., Blanck, T. & Lau, M.


The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2010: e.T5957A97360350.

The Chinese Turtle Trade. History and Current Perspectives in Southern China.

Blanck, T., McCord, W.P. & Zhou, T.


Reptilia (GB) 66: 52-59.

Ein kritischer Kommentar zu "C.H. Ernst, A.F. Laemmerzahl & J.E. lovich (2008): a morphological review of the Cuora flavomarginata (Testudines: Geoemydidae)

Blanck, T.


Sacalia, 7(23): 35–44.

Schildkröten-Hybriden Teil 2

Schaffer, G. & Blanck, T.


Sacalia, 7(23): 31–34.

Das neue ESF Zuchtbuch für Cuora trifasciata und Cuora cyclornata - ein Aufruf

Blanck, T.


Sacalia, 18(6) & Minor 1 (7)

First record of Ocadia sinensis (Gray, 1834) on Lamma Island, Hong Kong, China, with comments on the distribution, habitats, vulnerability and captive propagation of the species in China.

Blanck, T. & Kremser, T.


Radiata, 17(4): 2–18.

Rediscovery and first breeding of the Yunnan Box Turtle.

Zhou, T., McCord, W.P., Blanck, T. & Sun, X.F.


Reptilia (GB) 59: 29-34

Captive Breeding of hard-Shelled Chelonians in China.

Zhou, T., Huang, C., McCord, W. P. & Blanck, T.


Reptilia (GB) 61: 27-34.

Tracking Cuora mccordi Ernst 1988: the first record of its natural habitat: a re-description; with data on captive populations and its vulnerability.

Zhou, T., Blanck, T., McCord, W. P., & Li, P.-P.


Hamadryad, 32(1): 57–69.

Zu Besuch bei zwei Schildkrötenfarmen und einer Meeresschildkrötenstation in Guangdong (China).

Blanck, T.


ÖGH-Aktuell 18: 15-16.

Cuora trifasciata and Cuora cyclornata - captive breeding in China.

Zhou, T., McCord, W., Blanck, T. & Li, P.-P.


Reptilia (GB) 50: 68–73.

A survey of captive population dynamics for six endemic Chinese Box Turtle species.

Zhou, T., McCord, W.P. & Blanck, T.


Sichuan Journal of Zoology, Chengdu, 26(2): 448-450.

Overview of the Genus Ambystoma

Blanck, T.


Reptilia (GB) 54: 18-33

Verbreitung von Cuora pani aurocapitata Teil 2.

Blanck, T. & Kremser, T.


Marginata, 4(2): 50–52.

Verbreitung von Cuora pani aurocapitata Teil 1.

Blanck, T. & Kremser, T.


Marginata, 4(1): 52–55.


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